Why the name?
We are told that the Word of God is TRUTH (John 17:17)
Jesus openly declared that He is the WAY and the TRUTH (John 14:6)
Jesus taught that the WAY is NARROW (Matthew 7:14)
Therefore, we must recognize that the TRUTH of God is NARROW,
And so: the NARROW TRUTH.
Welcome to a site that has been created to share my investigation of the truths of the Bible, and to bring glory to God. In this day when truth is being sacrificed for convenience, it is necessary for us to exercise our responsibility to study the Word of God, and to order our lives according to God's unchanging truths.
We are told that the Word of God is TRUTH (John 17:17)
Jesus openly declared that He is the WAY and the TRUTH (John 14:6)
Jesus taught that the WAY is NARROW (Matthew 7:14)
Therefore, we must recognize that the TRUTH of God is NARROW,
And so: the NARROW TRUTH.
Welcome to a site that has been created to share my investigation of the truths of the Bible, and to bring glory to God. In this day when truth is being sacrificed for convenience, it is necessary for us to exercise our responsibility to study the Word of God, and to order our lives according to God's unchanging truths.
Study of Hebrews: Chapter Seven completed December 2024
Study of Hebrews: Chapter Six completed November 2024
Study of Hebrews: Chapter Five completed October 2024
Study of Hebrews: Chapter Four completed September 2024
Study of Hebrews: Chapter Three completed August 2024
Study of Hebrews: Chapter Two completed July 2024
Study of Hebrews: Chapter One completed April 2024
What of the Sabbath?: Update completed March 2024
Colossians NOW COMPLETE: Completed February 2024.
The Reason for the Season: Revision completed (December 2023).
Study of Hebrews: Chapter Six completed November 2024
Study of Hebrews: Chapter Five completed October 2024
Study of Hebrews: Chapter Four completed September 2024
Study of Hebrews: Chapter Three completed August 2024
Study of Hebrews: Chapter Two completed July 2024
Study of Hebrews: Chapter One completed April 2024
What of the Sabbath?: Update completed March 2024
Colossians NOW COMPLETE: Completed February 2024.
The Reason for the Season: Revision completed (December 2023).
1. Free PDF downloads of everything on this website are available by selecting the categories along the top of this page (the exception is my study on Stephen Covey - it was too complex to load it in PDF format), and then look for the PDF link. Avail yourself of these for more careful study; let me know if you have questions or comments; contact information is available here.
2. If you find something that isn't working properly (see the Contact page).
3. As time permits, I am working at revising and updating posted material; when I do, I will indicate that in the main menus, and above.
God bless you with an insatiable thirst for His Word!
This website was established in early 2012, and I am grateful to the Lord for this opportunity to share with you what He has been trying to work into our lives. It was never my expectation to build a website that would become hugely popular; however, there are so many out there that present poorly researched material, and it is my desire to accurately present the Word of God without denominational or theological bias. I am often asked what materials I use to do my studies, and I explain that my primary tools are the Bible and software aids that help me find and link the Scriptures together and provide insights into the original Greek and Hebrew. I will consult some select commentaries when I'm stumped, but, as you will notice from my materials, that is generally something I try to keep to a minimum.
We are all on a journey, and, if we are blessed, there will be occasions along the pathway of life when we can look back and see God's hand guiding us carefully along the Way. On other occasions, we shake our heads, being totally mystified as to how we came to be where we are. Either way, we can know that the Lord has been directing our paths, if it is our desire to walk according to the leading of His Spirit. Jesus so carefully defined the way to life: "I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father but by me" (John 14:6). From this we learn that there is a very carefully defined Way to God; we are also told that many will not find this Way because it is narrow (Matthew 7:14). We must be students of the Scriptures so that we can come to truly know the Way (the Lord Jesus Christ) more fully.
Having left the Evangelical community behind in 2002, I have discovered the need to rework many of the things that I had been taught in Bible School and Seminary. My goal, from the beginning, has been to use Scripture to explain Scripture, and to weigh all that comes across my pathway in the light of the Scriptures (1 John 4:1). This should be standard practice for everyone who professes to be a Christian; with the profusion of philosophies that circulate today, it is essential that we exercise great spiritual discernment all of the time. As I teach, there have been many times that I remind my hearers to take what I say back to the Scriptures - if I am wrong, tell me; however, if I have expounded the Scriptures correctly, then do what they say! Jesus said, "If ye love me, keep my commandments" (John 14:15); how can we do that except by understanding what He has said to us in His Word? It is God's desire that we "come unto the knowledge of the truth" (1 Timothy 2:4b); that word knowledge means a precise and correct knowledge of His truth. Therein is the purpose for my studies: it is my prayer that you, the reader, will grow in that thorough knowledge that God desires for you and me. God bless you with understanding and a deep love for His truth!
We are all on a journey, and, if we are blessed, there will be occasions along the pathway of life when we can look back and see God's hand guiding us carefully along the Way. On other occasions, we shake our heads, being totally mystified as to how we came to be where we are. Either way, we can know that the Lord has been directing our paths, if it is our desire to walk according to the leading of His Spirit. Jesus so carefully defined the way to life: "I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father but by me" (John 14:6). From this we learn that there is a very carefully defined Way to God; we are also told that many will not find this Way because it is narrow (Matthew 7:14). We must be students of the Scriptures so that we can come to truly know the Way (the Lord Jesus Christ) more fully.
Having left the Evangelical community behind in 2002, I have discovered the need to rework many of the things that I had been taught in Bible School and Seminary. My goal, from the beginning, has been to use Scripture to explain Scripture, and to weigh all that comes across my pathway in the light of the Scriptures (1 John 4:1). This should be standard practice for everyone who professes to be a Christian; with the profusion of philosophies that circulate today, it is essential that we exercise great spiritual discernment all of the time. As I teach, there have been many times that I remind my hearers to take what I say back to the Scriptures - if I am wrong, tell me; however, if I have expounded the Scriptures correctly, then do what they say! Jesus said, "If ye love me, keep my commandments" (John 14:15); how can we do that except by understanding what He has said to us in His Word? It is God's desire that we "come unto the knowledge of the truth" (1 Timothy 2:4b); that word knowledge means a precise and correct knowledge of His truth. Therein is the purpose for my studies: it is my prayer that you, the reader, will grow in that thorough knowledge that God desires for you and me. God bless you with understanding and a deep love for His truth!