This is a study, not a novel or an easy-read, and so it is not intended to be something you read for relaxation. Some matters will be repeated throughout the study, for I have discovered that I need repetition in order for things to settle in my mind. We find this in Scripture as well, and, therefore, I do not apologize for repeating certain matters, not verbatim, but in concept.
When I embarked on this study of Paul’s letter to the Galatians for our home services, I had no idea of the wealth of spiritual sustenance that awaited us. It may well have been written to a group of people who were having some very specific problems, but the Spirit of God ensured that it was packed to the hilt with spiritual truth that is so applicable to where we are today. Prepare to be challenged and encouraged by what follows, for, in working through this letter, there were times that I was forced to evaluate my own position on matters and, thankfully, other times when I could be encouraged by what Paul was teaching.
I trust that you will read this with an open mind and Bible – test what I have written against the text of the Word of God. There have been many times as I teach that I have encouraged my listeners to take what I say back to the Scriptures – if it doesn’t agree, then tell me; if it does, then accept it because it is not my word but God’s! I’m sure we’ve all heard it said that the Scriptures are to be our final authority for faith and practice, which we understand to mean that God’s Word is to be the Standard against which we measure all aspects of life. However, as lofty as that sounds, too often tradition clouds our vision and we read the Scriptures through the lens of what is accepted as common Christian practice within our circles; we must be prepared to place the Scriptures above our traditions. My wife and I can attest to the pain that this can bring, but our first allegiance must be to the Lord Who has redeemed us with His shed blood on Calvary. The question that we have had to ask ourselves is this: Do we obey the One Who loved us enough to die for our sins, or do we walk in the traditions that we have inherited? This is a question that fits so well with the thrust of this letter to the Galatians – they were at a crossroads where Paul was forcing them to decide between Jewish traditions and faith in Christ. Is this amazing letter relevant for today? I can only respond with a resounding YES!
God bless you as you read on; may your desire for His truth outweigh any and every hesitation that you may have. We have been called to holiness; we would do well to pursue it with all our might and the Spirit of God!
©2012, 2015, 2019
Bert Esselink
Box 875
Three Hills, AB T0M 2A0
[email protected]
This is a study, not a novel or an easy-read, and so it is not intended to be something you read for relaxation. Some matters will be repeated throughout the study, for I have discovered that I need repetition in order for things to settle in my mind. We find this in Scripture as well, and, therefore, I do not apologize for repeating certain matters, not verbatim, but in concept.
When I embarked on this study of Paul’s letter to the Galatians for our home services, I had no idea of the wealth of spiritual sustenance that awaited us. It may well have been written to a group of people who were having some very specific problems, but the Spirit of God ensured that it was packed to the hilt with spiritual truth that is so applicable to where we are today. Prepare to be challenged and encouraged by what follows, for, in working through this letter, there were times that I was forced to evaluate my own position on matters and, thankfully, other times when I could be encouraged by what Paul was teaching.
I trust that you will read this with an open mind and Bible – test what I have written against the text of the Word of God. There have been many times as I teach that I have encouraged my listeners to take what I say back to the Scriptures – if it doesn’t agree, then tell me; if it does, then accept it because it is not my word but God’s! I’m sure we’ve all heard it said that the Scriptures are to be our final authority for faith and practice, which we understand to mean that God’s Word is to be the Standard against which we measure all aspects of life. However, as lofty as that sounds, too often tradition clouds our vision and we read the Scriptures through the lens of what is accepted as common Christian practice within our circles; we must be prepared to place the Scriptures above our traditions. My wife and I can attest to the pain that this can bring, but our first allegiance must be to the Lord Who has redeemed us with His shed blood on Calvary. The question that we have had to ask ourselves is this: Do we obey the One Who loved us enough to die for our sins, or do we walk in the traditions that we have inherited? This is a question that fits so well with the thrust of this letter to the Galatians – they were at a crossroads where Paul was forcing them to decide between Jewish traditions and faith in Christ. Is this amazing letter relevant for today? I can only respond with a resounding YES!
God bless you as you read on; may your desire for His truth outweigh any and every hesitation that you may have. We have been called to holiness; we would do well to pursue it with all our might and the Spirit of God!
©2012, 2015, 2019
Bert Esselink
Box 875
Three Hills, AB T0M 2A0
[email protected]