There are times when it is appropriate for me to express an opinion about something I have received. This is not something I spend a lot of time at, but I will include here some of my comments made on public material.
- Home
- Our Journey
- Articles
Short Studies
Longer Studies
- Covey's Habits of Private Victory >
The Ekklesia of Christ
- Preface and Outline
- Introduction
- Chapter 1 - Kingdom of God/Heaven
- Chapter 2 - Old/New Testaments & Christ's Ekklesia
- Chapter 3 - How Should We Then Live?
- Chapter 4 - The Ekklesia - a Building
- Chapter 5 - The Ekklesia - the Body
- Chapter 6 - The Ekklesia and Marriage
- Chapter 7 - The Ekklesia - Christ's Purpose
- Chapter 8 - Government
- Chapter 9 - The Ekklesia - Ordinances
- Chapter 10 - Summary
Book Studies
- Galatians >
- Ephesians >
- Philippians >
- Colossians >
- Hebrews >
- Revelation Chapter 1
- Revelation Chapter 2
- Revelation Chapter 3
- Revelation Chapter 4
- Revelation Chapter 5
- God's Eternal Kingdom
- Antichrist
- False Prophet
- Satan
- The Seven Seals
- The Destiny of the Righteous
- Firstfruit and Harvests
- The Time of the Antichrist
- The Millennium
- The Marriage Supper
- New Heaven and Earth
- Reviews
- Contact