A Study of Galatians
Paul’s epistle to the Christians in the region of Galatia, is a marvelous letter of exhortation to a people who were in the throes of setting aside their faith in Christ for a faith-works concept of salvation. This is not unlike many today who endeavor to convince themselves that they are fit for heaven because they have done many good things. Jesus said that there would be many who will have done many wonderful things, even in His name, and yet He clearly states that He never knew them (Matthew 7:23). The lesson that we must learn is that we do not set the terms of acceptance before God.
When I began this study, it was with little understanding of the blessings that were in store. In our day of increasing compromise among those who profess to be Christian, this brief letter is a word from the Spirit of God that we would do well to take to heart; it will challenge us to the depth of our being to remain faithful to the Gospel of Christ - and it leaves no doubt as to the eternal consequences of compromise.
This study is the product of one redeemed saint dipping into the well of the Water of Life; it is not exhaustive, but may it provide a cupful of refreshing coolness in this day when all about us languish for lack of water. If this study does nothing more than send you, the reader, deeper into the Word of God, then that will be considered an accomplishment of great value. God bless you to that end!